Well, with the exception of a few minor details, such as reservations, finalizing financial arrangements with sponsors and advertisers, negotiating with a couple of others, and pending confirmation from one more venue, the October schedule is locked in. 
On Friday evening, October 14, I will be making a presentation on Route 66 in the southwest at the Wagon Wheel Motel in Cuba, Missouri. This will be during the Cuba Fest festivities. 
If you are a fan of the double six, or just enjoy festivals that seem  as though they were lifted from a Norman Rockwell print, Cuba Fest should be added to your list. As a bonus, fall colors in the Ozark Mountains are often near peak season. 
On the same weekend, on Sunday afternoon, and then again on Monday morning, I will be making presentations at the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis. The museum is located in Forest Park, a most fascinating complex that is more spectacular than Central Park in New York City. It is also a seldom explored destination for Route 66 enthusiasts (the earliest alignment skirted the park district). 
The following weekend I will be speaking on Route 66 driven economic development and neighborhood revitalization at the 2nd annual Miles of Possibilities Conference in Bloomington, Illinois. Examples of communities that have successfully harnessed the resurgent interest in Route 66, development of effective marketing and promotion, and understanding what fuels the growing interest in Route 66, will be the core of this presentation. The conference sessions are a part of the Route 66: The Road Ahead Initiatives ongoing focus on becoming a quasi Route 66 chamber of commerce for the international Route 66 community. 
I am again scheduled to work with the road ahead initiative at the 90th anniversary of Route 66 festival in Los Angeles on the weekend of November 11. This time it will be in regards to a meeting with representatives from the international advisory group that was established at the first European Route 66 Festival in Germany.
I may be involved with other activities at this historic festival. That, however, will be dependent on the travel budget and financial considerations.  
In regards to the European festival and establishment of a conference to facilitate development of that advisory group, a very special thank you is owed Wolfgang and Anja Werz, and members of the German Route 66 Association. I hope that the organizers of the Route 66 Walk of Fame in Kingman will take note, and consider nominating Wolfgang and Anja for inclusion. 
This past week one of my clients decided to take a different tack in regards to property promotion (as part of an expansive development project they will be developing promotion in house at the corporate level) and informed me that my services as a marketing consultant would no longer be needed. I was a bit surprised, in our fourteen month association there were some pretty amazing promotional initiatives launched.
Details will be forthcoming soon, but negotiations with another company that has shown interest in developing a presence in the Route 66 community showed tremendous promise during meetings on Friday. I derive a great deal of satisfaction from helping reputable companies develop a Route 66 presence, and in turn, being able to provide service to the Route 66 community.  
While I am the subject of Route 66 businesses and service, if your looking for a unique and beautiful place for a wedding, may I suggest Grand Canyon Caverns? Above or below ground, staff and management will ensure that your special event will be truly memorable.
Meanwhile, my dearest friend and I continue with our German lessons, and keep our ears open for any opportunity for a bit of adventure, preferably adventure that allows us to be of service to the Route 66 community.