Revive, Resuscitate, Revitalize, Restore & Renew Route 66

Revive, Resuscitate, Revitalize, Restore & Renew Route 66

Less than ten years from now Route 66, the Main Street of

America will turn 100 years of age. Arguably the old road, a highway that officially no longer exists, is more popular than at any time in its history and as a result, there is ample evidence that the iconic highway is experiencing a renaissance of sorts. Still, Route 66, surprisingly, as a living time capsule faces an uncertain future.

The White Rock Court in Kingman is counted among the rarest of historic buildings with a direct Route 66 connection.If a list were to be composed of endangered relics, the bridges that are crucial to maintaining the historic integrity and context of the Route 66 experience are near the top of the list. Another leading contender are the motels with an emphasis on the auto court. Almost as rare as leprechauns riding unicorns are the motels, auto courts,  and properties that were featured in editions of the Negro Motorist Green Book.   (more…)