Lost Highway Adventures and Walkabouts

Lost Highway Adventures and Walkabouts

Lost highway adventures and walkabouts are the focus of a new video series on the Jim Hinckley’s America YouTube channel.

Lost highway adventures and walkabouts. We are kicking off a new year by sharing America’s story and inspiring road trips by telling people where to go with virtual adventures. It’s what we do at Jim Hinckley’s America. 

Lost Highway Adventures

Episode three of the new series In Search of Lost Highways on the Jim Hinckley’s America YouTube channel, we explore the historic heart of Kingman, Arizona. Perhaps a more apt title for this episode would be In Search of Obscure Highways. After all, we are talking about Route 66, and its predecessor, the National Old Trails Road.

But this spisode is also about some surprising celebrity association with Kingman. Did you know that Charles Lindbergh, Louis Chevrolet, Edsel Ford and Clark Gable are a part of the Kingman story?


I have been sharing the morning walkabouts with our daily Decade With Jim series on Instagram. The general theme of most comments on the 1,205 posts is a desire to join me on the walks through the picturesque canyons, to ghost towns, and to scenic wonders. So, we will be sharing these on the YouTube channel as well.

You can join on a quest to meet a long standing goal. For 2024 our plan is to clock at least 1,000 miles with walkabouts. Last year deadlines and a busy schedule that included speaking engagements as well as meetings held me back. A banged up knee held me back a bit as well. Still, I managed 750 miles.

I do hope that you can join me on the adventure. And I hope that the walkabouts provide a bit of inspiration.

So What Else Is Planned?

Well, as mentioned in a previous post or two, there are a couple of book projects underway. And as you can see from the new video series, there is a valiant effort to learn a bit about editing. Another challenge for this old timer that is most comfortable in the world of Model A Ford era technology.

We are diligently working to enhance the weekly Coffee With Jim audio podcast. A primary challenge continues to be that the programs are live, and then published to the website, to Spotify, and to other popular podcast platforms. So, we have little control over the quality of audio from guests.

Aside from inspiring road trips, our focus is always on providing supporting sponsors with a return on the investment of their advertising dollars. And, of course, we also want to ensure that we create a product worthy the trust people display by supporting our crowdfunding initiaitve on Patreon, and with tips made through the website. That will continue to be a focus in 2024.

Last But Not Least

Last but not least, we are scheduling speaking engagements for spring, summer and fall. And we are already making plans for the annual fall tour. This always includes the Miles of Possibillity Conference.

This October that event will be in Edwardsville, Illinois. I have accepted a request to be a keynote speaker. My presentation will be about how Route 66 transformed form mere highway into an American icon with an international fan club.

Stay tuned. We are just getting started.